Sunday, August 25, 2013

Navy NavFac Hawaii Allows Extensive Damage, Illegal Dumping at Sacred Site

Navy NavFac  Hawaii Allows Extensive Damage, Illegal Dumping at Sacred Leina a ka Uhane - Wahi Pana identified in 2012 Federal EIS.


Nearly all of the dumping is being done on property NOT LEASED by
Hunt Corp from Navy- but Navy does nothing and doesn't care what
Hunt Corp does on this Federal property.

It is apparent that NavFac Navy Pacific allows Hunt Corp to evade
State and Federal NEPA and NHPA laws and NavFac staff are apparently
involved in supporting this wahi pana site desecration.

Hunt Corporation is aggressively moving ahead with site construction
throughout identified historic MCAS Ewa Field without benefit of a Federal
Section 106, as was originally promised and ASSURED (on video) by
Navy officials to the Ewa community in 2011 after an initial Battlefield
Survey and historic building inventory was conducted.

Further the area was identified as a very sacred wahi pana in an April
2012 Honolulu Area Rapid Transit - Federal Transit Administration
Environmental Impact Assessment cultural-archeological survey
report as the Leina a ka Uhane- a sacred corridor and portal for native
Hawaiian souls making the journey into the afterlife.

So many community promises continue to be broken and the deception never
stops on this historic site, as was the case with a previous 106 project
the entire community refused to sign.

The latest Hunt Corp project right now is digging a large pit into the ancient coral limestone Karst layer only feet away from a previously identified ancient Hawaiian Karst wall structure that exists throughout a large area directly next to
this current construction pit. Karst is well documented as native burial areas and previous successful lawsuits have been won about lack of respect for native Hawaiian cultural burial sites.

There was no monitoring archeologist on site while aggressive digging was
underway this past week. The Navy NavFac staff has repeatedly misinformed or not informed the local community about projects like this. It was promised that anything beyond general land surface clearing would bring about a Section 106 under Federal NHPA laws. This has never happened and large steel beam structures and other building additions are being put up in this location.

The area was identified in 1999 Navy BRAC surveys as the most likely site for the 1825 Malden Trail- actually a very ancient Hawaiian trail system linking Honouliuli West-Loch with the Ewa shoreline at Kualaka'i and One'ula Beach.
The Navy in Hawaii has allowed Hunt Corp to turn this into a construction and
dump site, including using land that isn't even on their leased areas.

This entire local area is known to have numerous Hawaiian archeological
sites, burial sites, Karst caves, rare native plants, birds and many sinkholes (which Hunt Corp is filling in whenever found) and most importantly, has been identified in the FTA HART Federal Rail EIS as the "Leina a ka Uhane" a very sacred spirit portal back to the ancient homeland of Tahiti. This means it is a very special, sacred area to native Hawaiians. This could likely be grounds for
a lawsuit.

It is not a coincidence that the sacred "Leina" spirit leap area and ancient trails
are in the same place and this entire area is archeologically and culturally very significant on many levels. Yet the Navy has consistently refused to do any
Archeological Inventory Surveys and Cultural Landscape survey- claiming
that everything "they want to know" was done decades ago. In reality it is totally an illegal act and counter to Federal laws and best practice land management of government properties.

This is all counter to all recent high level State court cases. The NavFac Hunt Corp Navy acts in a very lawless manner and greatly damages public goodwill and opinion about the Navy in Hawaii. They have intentionally ignored the important historic and cultural features of this area and have continued to dig up, plow over and evade public land responsibilities on this property that the Navy said was part of the original lease agreement.
This area was also identified in a public State House and Senate Resolution, NCR-49, in 2009 as recommended for historic and cultural preservation, and supported also by three local Neighborhood Board resolutions. Every possible notice of public concern has been made and filed about this area for years but the Hunt Corp Navy continues to completely disregard and effectively deceive repeated stated public opinion. Totally lawless is how this Navy operation is run.

Illegal dumping without permits on property not even leased from Navy

Illegal dumping without permits on property not even leased from Navy

Hawaiian Rock Wall runs through a large part of this property


The entire Ewa Plain is a vast Karst (ancient Coral Reef) shelf


Construction work into Karst without any archeological survey (typical on Navy land)
1825 Malden Trails shown running through historic MCAS Ewa Warehouse District
1825 Malden Trails shown running near Coral Sea Road, former NAS Barbers Point - Kalaeloa

1825 Malden Trails shown running through former NAS Barbers Point - Kalaeloa


The Ahupua'a of Honouliuli

1825 Mapped Malden Trails running through ancient Kanehili

Malden Trail shown running from Honouliuli - West Loch across historic Ewa Plantation

Malden Trail shown running across historic Ewa Plantation
Pearl Harbor Historic Trail follows the Oahu Railway line

HCR 49, HD1     2009

Urges the President of the United States, the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Interior, and United States Navy to preserve Marine Corps Air Station Ewa, or a portion of it, as a
National Monument.
Requests the United States Navy and its private, public and non-profit partners to proceed with the research, battlefield analysis, and other activities necessary to designate an appropriate boundary for nomination of Ewa Field to the Hawaii State and National
Registers of Historic Places.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Honolulu Votes To Desecrate, Destroy Important Hawaiian Cultural Site

City Council, Mayor of Honolulu Votes To Desecrate And Destroy Important Hawaiian Cultural Site With Bill 65

 By John Bond, Kanehili Cultural Hui

Federal EIS Document Shows Location and Importance Of Major Hawaiian Burial Site
All historic and cultural research shows that this Honouliuli-Ewa area is one of the most very important cultural and historic area's in the State of Hawaii. The identified "Leina a ka Uhane"
is an especially sacred wahi pana of the highest level. A HART EIS TCP (Traditional Cultural Place) report in April 2012 documents this.

One could almost say with certainty that there appears to be a sacred "cosmic alignment" of Hawaiian cultural history and western history in this special TCP area. The major aviation fields, beginning with the 1925 Mooring Mast Field, all have in common with the ancient Hawaiian Leina belief, a "spirit leaping" or "flying away" concept. All pilots know the spiritual aspects of flying a plane.
This ancient area, before it became MCAS Ewa and Barbers Point naval airports, was known as Kanehili, which was very much associated in Hawaiian cultural history with birds-"manu" and for special ceremonial bird feathers. In modern times scientists have found in the many Karst sinkholes and caves of this area the bones of ancient rare birds, including large pre-historic birds too large to fly.
The major 1825 mapped trails show Oahu's largest native population- Honouliuli Ewa- centered around rich, fertile lo'i farmlands, clear fresh streams, Karst springs, and linked to mountain forest resources, abundant and prolific shoreline ponds, fisheries and the best limu in on Oahu. Limu is not only very important as a food and medicine, but also a critically important part of the shoreline ecology that is today being destroyed.
This same area is where the ancient Tahitians arrived and planted the first breadfruit tree. Elaborate trails were built to link the many important Kanehili areas with Honouliuli, and were used for the annual Makahiki ceremonies. Hawaiian goddess Hi'iaka describes a journey through this area nearly one thousand years ago. On certain special nights the legions of ancient Hawaiian warriors, killed in the area's epic land battles, are known to march with torches on these same Honouliuli Ewa spiritual trails.
A large area of the most important, rich and fertile ancient Hawaiian farmland on Oahu, going back 1000 years and supporting Oahu's largest Hawaiian population, where the bones of hundreds of thousands of native Hawaiian farmers and island warriors are buried, will soon be covered over by a Texas corporation forever because of City Bill 65.


FTA and HART Rail Misrepresent The True Ewa Honouliuli Native Hawaiian Spirit Pathway 


Honouliuli Ewa TCP's Are Important Wahi Pana (Sacred Places) On Multi-Dimensional Levels



Honouliuli Ewa's Makakilo Kalo'i Gulch - A Rare In Depth Survey Of This Important Cultural Property


Ewa Plantation Prime Ag Land Still Retains Centuries Old Traditional Agricultural Features

West Oahu Residents Speak Out At Important Ag Lands And Hoopili Station Meetings

Leilono to Kanehili Kaupe’a - Leina a ka uhane – The Spirit Leaping Place

  KANEHILI CULTURAL HUI Leina a ka uhane – The Spirit Leaping Place of Leilono to Kanehili Kaupe’a Archeological sites in Kanehili have clea...