Friday, January 23, 2015

"Shell Game" Honolulu HART Rail Barely Started Already Massive $1 Billion In Debt

Rail deficit grows to as much as $910 million

without bus funds

By Andrew Pereira   KITV   Jan 20, 2015

"This whole shell game of their financial plan is a big worry."

HONOLULU —When the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation announced last month that the city's $5.3 billion elevated rail project could go over its budget by $550 million to $700 million, members of the City Council were stunned by the escalating costs.

Now, KITV4 has learned the actual deficit for the controversial project could be as much as $910 million since Mayor Kirk Caldwell has already ruled out the use of $210 million in federal bus subsidies for construction. Known as 5307 bus funds under the Federal Transit Administration's Urbanized Area Formula Program, the subsidy goes directly toward the operation and maintenance of the city's bus and Handi-Van systems.


Honolulu HART Rail Barely Started Already

Massive $1 Billion In Debt

Project’s financial plan a “shell game”

  By Nick Grube   January 22, 2015 

Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell’s desire to protect $210 million in federal bus funding means the city’s $6 billion rail project needs even more money than officials had recently announced.

In December, Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Executive Director and CEO Dan Grabauskas said the project was estimated to go over budget by $550 million to $700 million.

And while Grabauskas knew the city didn’t want to spend the $210 million on rail, he didn’t include it in the projected shortfall. If he had, the range would be $710 million to $910 million.

KITV reported the discrepancy Tuesday, including quotes from Honolulu City Council members who raised questions about whether HART and city officials were being truthful about just how much money was needed to complete the project.


West Oahu Eco-Disaster: HART Rail Hitting Karst Water, Sea Caves And Polluting Ewa-Honoululi-Waipahu Wetlands

West Oahu's greatest natural apocalypse is unfolding, with hundreds 
of 8 foot in diameter, 200 foot deep drill bores, the ancient karst water, sea caves and
wetlands are being fractured and polluted, then to be followed by
a major new asphalt and concrete city based around
three huge HART Rail Transit Oriented Developments.

The already fragile Ewa Plain ecosystem based on natural clean water will be destroyed.


HART Rail Ewa Plain Route Drills Into Major 1000 Year Old Native Hawaiian Burial Grounds

By John Bond,   Kanehili Cultural Hui

The Great Honouliuli Ewa Apocalypse Returns

"A lot of people were born and died all over these Islands.  They don't just disappear." 
— William Aila, Hui Malama (before becoming DLNR Chair and now DHHL deputy.) 


Hidden costs revealed as rail project struggles with budget

By Andrew Pereira   KITV   Dec 26, 2014

Meanwhile, issues related to construction of the elevated rail line were also highlighted in the November Progress Report, which showed 21 of the 191 shafts along the first half of the 20-mile route failed a concrete stress test. Known as Cross hole Sonic Logging, the test determines the structural soundness of concrete within a shaft's rebar cage.


New AIS Testimony: Rail Route Illegally Damages Hawaiian Cultural Properties

Ho'opili Project Is Definition Of Insanity - From Transit System To Really Massive Land Development Scheme

You have to really wonder why so many experts in soil science, traffic, farming and three former governors OPPOSED the Ho'opili Project. The main PROPONENT for Ho'opili was Ex-Governor Abercrombie and we all know how popular he became after shoving it forward in 2012 with his pro-developer stacked Land Use Commission panel.

 H-1 is already a total nightmare and this project will way OVERBUILD West Oahu adding 12,000 more homes on top of many other large home and land development projects. This will literally create a major environmental DISASTER with completely grid locked traffic. Absolutely everything is BAD about this project because it also paves over West Oahu's best farmland and creates massive polluted water runoff that will be directed either into Pearl Harbor or the offshore reef system.

Hawaii Land Use Commission Disputes

Developer’s Assurance on Hoopili

December 2, 2014   By Anita Hofschneider   Civil Beat

D.R. Horton is seeking a zone change before the Honolulu Planning Commission on Wednesday and hoping to move forward with the project after four years of lawsuits and bureaucratic hurdles. But the development is still under fire from critics like Kioni Dudley of the group Friends of Makakilo, who most recently wrote a letter to the commission arguing that the city didn’t properly accept a traffic impact analysis report.

Ewa Plantation Prime Ag Land Still Retains Centuries Old Traditional Agricultural Features

West Oahu Residents Speak Out At Important Ag Lands And Hoopili Station Meetings

FTA and HART Rail Misrepresent The True Ewa Honouliuli Native Hawaiian Spirit Pathway

Honouliuli Ewa TCP's Are Important Wahi Pana (Sacred Places) On Multi-Dimensional Levels

Honouliuli Ewa's Makakilo Kalo'i Gulch - A Rare In Depth Survey Of This Important Cultural Property

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Voice of Kapolei - Ewa Plain Sacred Trails

Voice of Kapolei - Ewa Plain Sacred Trails

By John Bond   Kanehili Cultural Hui   November 30, 2012

The recent Federal ruling on Rail stated that the City and HART FAILED to adequately identify TCP's (Traditional Cultural Places) along the Honolulu Rail route corridor.

In fact, HART has published a map where the extremely important 1825 Malden Trails were ERASED to show that NOTHING was "there" on the Ewa Plains where the railway line and stations are located.
Yet- under a HART TCP contract there WAS the identification of the extremely important Hawaiian "Leina a ka Uhane" - (Spiritual jumping off place) in this same Ewa Plains location.
So HOW could HART neglect to show the extremely important trails that the Royal Navy in the early 1800's felt were so visible and prominent that they were featured on one of the very first major maps of Oahu (and which show up on later published maps throughout the 1800's.)?

How did the THOUSANDS of people who were buried along this sacred Ewa wahi pana route get there?

WHERE did Hawaiians have their very important Makahiki processions and where did Hawaiian Alii travel along to go to the Ewa shoreline?

These were MAJOR Oahu Hawaiian trails and evidence of them STILL EXISTS- but developers are anxious to get there FIRST with SHPD approvals so that they can be forever wiped out.
HART RAIL Will Run Directly Though Most Sacred National Register Burial/Battlefield Sites

HART has intentionally HIDDEN this TCP information and the news media has failed to report this.

The news media not surprisingly would NOT do a story on a site where a HART TCP contractor stated contained hundreds if not THOUSANDS of iwi kupuna burial sites...

I recently obtained this 1878 trail map. It includes ORIGINAL published maps like this one and the 1825 Royal Navy Malden survey map - which I also now have in high resolution from the originals.

I used Photoshop to match up the 1878 trail map with a 1962 USGS map based upon an earlier archeological research report done for the US Navy BRAC in 1997-99 by the Tuggles (contracted archeologists.)

The Historic Malden Trail - Oneula Route- runs though MCAS Ewa Field, Ewa battlefield, Hunt Panhandle and by Barbers Point Riding Club stables revetments.

I also believe now that the original surveyors of the 1925 Ewa Mooring Mast located the tower near this same trail intentionally.

And the trails influenced the location the the Ewa Mill Plantation, which also influenced the route of the Oahu Railway line, which influenced the location of the Ewa Mooring Mast, etc...

The other Kualaka'i section runs by the MCAS Ewa Field Ewa Field Historic Warehouse district area (which still shows evidence of this trail) and down what was originally called Henderson Rd. and then on down to the US Coast Guard station where the Kualaka'i village was.

The Kualaka'i section of the Malden Trail runs exactly through where Shad Kane's well preserved ancient Hawaiian trail area is.

Scaling used Puu Kapolei, Onelua Beach and related landmarks to match the 1878 map to the 1962 USGS map.

Without out a doubt these are Oahu's most important and sacred trails and very likely used for annual Makahiki processions and likely for special Alii burial processions as part of the Kanehili "Leina a ka Uhane" wahi pana.

HART RAIL Will Run Directly Though These Most Sacred National Register Burial/Battlefield Sites but they don't want ANYONE to know.


Ewa Plantation Prime Ag Land Still Retains Centuries Old Traditional Agricultural Features

West Oahu Residents Speak Out At Important Ag Lands And Hoopili Station Meetings

FTA and HART Rail Misrepresent The True Ewa Honouliuli Native Hawaiian Spirit Pathway

Honouliuli Ewa TCP's Are Important Wahi Pana (Sacred Places) On Multi-Dimensional Levels

Honouliuli Ewa's Makakilo Kalo'i Gulch - A Rare In Depth Survey Of This Important Cultural Property

Leilono to Kanehili Kaupe’a - Leina a ka uhane – The Spirit Leaping Place

  KANEHILI CULTURAL HUI Leina a ka uhane – The Spirit Leaping Place of Leilono to Kanehili Kaupe’a Archeological sites in Kanehili have clea...