Saturday, June 28, 2014

Electric Train Disaster: Kapolei-We​st Oahu: 138,000 Volts Every Morning and Afternoon.​..

Electric Train Disaster: Kapolei-We​st Oahu: 138,000 Volts Every Morning and Afternoon.​..

The Ewa Electric Rail Disaster Movie - Trailer: under 4 minutes

See how an electric rail transit scheme turned the 150 year
old Ewa plantation community in Hawaii into a mega development
with fake new Hawaiian names while also covering over the
very best farmland on Oahu with asphalt, concrete and
elevated rail line and stations directly UNDER high voltage power lines.

Kapolei-West Oahu Rail Stations:

Walking, standing, riding - right UNDER -

138,000 Volts Every Morning and Afternoon...

(Did they actually plan it this way?)

At night HART commuters can carry long florescent tubes and
have mock light saber battles on the station platforms!

(High voltage power lines put out intense electro-magnetic fields
as has been demonstrated in videos...)

John Pritchett cartoon annotated with 138 kV

Leilono to Kanehili Kaupe’a - Leina a ka uhane – The Spirit Leaping Place

  KANEHILI CULTURAL HUI Leina a ka uhane – The Spirit Leaping Place of Leilono to Kanehili Kaupe’a Archeological sites in Kanehili have clea...